CW Solutions stays adept at handling concerns that involve the use of existing utility sites, collocation, and the use of commercially and residentially zoned land. CW Solutions recognizes the impact that regulatory compliance has on a client’s budget, community relations, and in-service dates. We provide a thorough assessment to identify any issues that might create delays in the property acquisition process. CW Solutions works with railroad companies to determine the specific criteria for getting small and large scale projects to coordinate the efforts of all parties involved. This includes working through efficiently permitting processes.
- Site Identification
- Zoning and Land Use
- Public Outreach
- Ensure Regulatory Compliance
- Railroad Permitting Experts
- Permitting and Licensing
- Project Database Coordination Via Microsoft SharePoint
- Document Preparation and Administrative Support
Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
CW Solutions has the knowledge and experience to navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape. Zoning laws vary by region, and our team of professionals has worked with federal, state, and local governments on hundreds of infrastructure improvement projects across the country. As a result, the CW Solutions team is well-versed on any issues that may arise. We are adept at handling concerns that involve the use of existing utility sites, collocation, and the use of commercially and residentially zoned land. We are recognized as a real estate services firm that offers clients a wide range of essential services.
Providing Innovative Solutions
CW Solutions understands the challenges companies face regarding compliance with strict regulations and industry standards. Consequently, we offer innovative solutions designed specifically for the wireless and utility sectors. The CW Solutions team has the regulatory skillset to handle complex projects, and we can ensure that projects are in sync with federal, state, and local requirements.

CW Solutions Ensures Compliance
CW Solutions recognizes the impact that regulatory compliance has on a client’s budget, community relations, and in-service dates. We provide a thorough assessment to identify any issues that might create delays in the property acquisition process. As a result, our property acquisition specialists ensure regulatory compliance within the following public agencies:
- Local and County Approvals
- State Environmental or Historical Agencies
- Federal Registrations or Approvals

CW Solutions Streamlines Permit Processes
By streamlining permit processes, working with local planning and zoning officials, and facilitating partnerships, our team can clear a path for the expansion of networks for wireless providers and utilities.
To support successful wireless carriers in New Jersey, Co-founders Stacie Curtis and Bob Weible were instrumental in writing, developing, and pushing through a New Jersey law, making it easier for wireless clients to construct, modify, and install their networks. The legislation has eliminated the need for formal site plan reviews and approvals by municipal authorities. As long as certain criteria are met, wireless companies can bypass zoning and planning board approvals and go right to the permitting process.
CW Solutions has effectively used the legislation to facilitate the approval process, benefiting both carriers and local municipalities. The end result is quicker deployment so that devices keep working, costs are lower, and carriers can keep up with demand.
We Are Railroad Permitting Experts
CW Solutions works with railroad companies to determine the specific criteria for getting small-scale to large-scale projects underway. Railroad Permitting specialists coordinate the efforts of all parties involved with the projects. That provides clients with research and planning assistance to initiate, expedite, and complete the licensing and permitting process.
The railroad permitting team’s established solid working relationship with the country’s railroad companies allows them to act as liaisons for their clients when applying for and securing the required agreements. The team can also help facilitate mutually beneficial arrangements, provide guidance, and maintain open lines of communication.
Obtaining Railroad Permits the Right Way
As railroad permitting experts, the CW Solutions team understands that the licensing and permitting process is complex. Through years of experience, the team has developed systems to ensure issues are identified immediately and reconciled quickly to avoid lengthy delays, which could impact the project timeframes. For more information on our permitting services, please contact us today!