A right-of-way is a common type of easement that allows others to cross or access a piece of property. CW Solutions handles a full range of right-of-way, property acquisition, and landman services for the public and private sectors. CW Solutions is providing title research and right-of-way acquisition services on several of PSE&G’s large-scale projects.
- Title Searches
- Project Management
- Ownership Verification
- Securing Access
- Option Agreements/Leases
- Project Database Coordination via Microsoft SharePoint
- Laydown Area/Lease Coordination
- Public Outreach
- Identifying Land Use
- Document Preparation and Administrative Support
- Field Review
- Right of Entry
- Site Acquisition
- Condemnation Support
- Experience with Public and Private Utility Projects

Getting Access to Your Project’s Needs
Landowners have the right to enjoy the use of their property, but sometimes for the benefit of a community, a portion of their property may be of use to the general public. Rights-of-way allow others certain uses or access to private property while allowing an owner the continued enjoyment of owning their property. As a firm that provides land solutions services, we work through the issues for you.
Specifically, a right-of-way is a common type of easement that allows others to cross or access a piece of property. Almost all homes, for instance, have these types of easements. Rights-of-way usually are intended for limited uses such as to repair telephone or electric lines. Others may allow a utility company the right to erect power lines or bury electric lines, fiber, and/or gas pipelines.
In these situations, the easements are included in a deed description and remain in place even if the land is sold. Usually, there are restrictions associated with easements that may limit a landowner’s use of a property by limiting the structures that are built, which might hinder access such as swimming pools, gardens, and/or fences.
The History of Rights-of-Way in the United States
In the United States, rights-of-way were first granted to railroads to help settle the western portions of the country between 1862 and 1871. By using public land, several transcontinental railroads were authorized in a 10-year period, including the Union Pacific/Central Pacific in 1862 and 1864, the Northern Pacific in 1864, the Atlantic and Pacific in 1866, and the Texas Pacific in 1871.
Right-of-Way Services Offered Today
Today, metropolitan areas implement right-of-way improvement projects to upgrade infrastructure and enhance the environment. Right-of-way acquisition for utilities, highway, and transportation projects can be very expensive and time-consuming. Utility companies, as well as the state and federal government, spend billions every year on right-of-way projects. Currently, CW Solutions is providing title research and right-of-way acquisition services on several utility and public works, large-scale projects.

The Role of Right-of-Way Professionals
Right-of-way professionals play an important role in infrastructure projects. Their work involves researching ownership, identifying the landowners, and securing access to job sites, among others. A qualified right-of-way professional can bring innovative cost-saving measures to the infrastructure projects they oversee.
At CW Solutions, we can handle a full range of right-of-way, property acquisition, and landman services for the public and private sectors.
Encroachment Removals & Easement Clearances
The identification and removal of encroachments is an on-going process and is the responsibility, once an encroachment is suspected, of the respective utility. CW Solutions works internally with clients to identify any areas of questionable property rights. Research and identify immediately any easements where clearing work or additional research may be required to establish rights by:
Conducting an extensive internal search of client’s records to review easements, licenses, and/or agreements on file and provide a detailed report of rights to the project team and address any areas of deficiency.
- Researching state, county, and city engineering office records, and providing a comprehensive chain of title reports to identify and address rights, liens, or claims on the subject property.
- Forecast, plan, manage, and coordinate with the project team responsible for clearing or curing any easement issues with property owners and the utility.
- Work with the client on terminations and/or modifications of easements to ensure compliance with the utility's internal procedures.
For more information on our right-of-way acquisition services, please contact us today!