Stacie Curtis and CW Solutions recognized at the 2020 Supplier Diversity Development Council Awards

Stacie Curtis, CW Solutions President and Co-Founder, was nominated and selected by the Supplier Diversity Development Council (SDDC) for the 2020 Stellar Award. The SDDC Stellar Award represents a SDDC Board Member who has consistently displayed leadership and advocacy for the growth of the SDDC’s mission. CW Solutions was also nominated and selected by the Supplier Diversity Development Council for the 2020 Epic Award. The SDDC Epic Award represents a certified diverse business that has displayed excellence in business leadership and accomplishments.

The Supplier Diversity Development Council is dedicated to forging effective working relationships amongst minority, women, veteran and service disabled veteran owned businesses (M/W/SDVBEs) and New Jersey public utilities and the Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) on matters relating to methods of reporting, measuring, and assessing the development of these relationships. Click here to learn more about the SDDC.